10 facts about antibiotics. What you need to know to take them properly?

 Poor intake of antibiotics causes the growth of drug-resistant bacteria

It is not without reason that when prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor gives us the entire list of doses and hours to take the drugs. Often, patients who want to speed up recovery decide to discontinue the drug, increase the dose without the doctor’s knowledge or take it in wrong doses than it was prescribed – too much or too little. One thing is for sure, it is wrong. This should not be done. The concentration of the drug in the body is then insufficient, and the bacteria survive and can therefore acquire immunity.

Do not drink grapefruit juice during antibiotic treatment

Grapefruit juice interacts with some medications and interferes with their action, so all medications (including antibiotics, of course) are best washed down with boiled water.

Prebiotics should be taken during antibiotic treatment

During the treatment, antibiotics fight both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. This can lead to antibiotic-induced diarrhea (up to 40% of children treated with antibiotics have it).

However, it is easily preventable. For this purpose, it is worth stocking up on products rich in live bacteria cultures, such as:

Soured milk

Ready-made preparations purchased at a pharmac


We should remember to take prebiotics also after finishing antibiotic therapy

Personal hygiene protects against bacteria

It should become a habit for everyone to wash their hands . We wash our hands after returning home, after using the toilet and in many other cases. This activity has a proven antibacterial effect and prevents the development of resistance to antibiotics.

Bacteria pass on antibiotic resistance to each other

Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. It can happen as a result of changes in the bacterial cell itself or it can be delivered as a gift from other microbes . Moreover, this immunity is permanent and hereditary. It can be passed on to other strains of the same or a different species of bacteria.

Antibiotics reduce the effect of birth control pills

Women taking hormonal contraception must remember that their contraception is impaired when taking antibiotics .

It all happens because of the active substance of contraceptive pills, which need to be activated by intestinal bacteria and are largely destroyed by antibiotics.

Both antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives are metabolized in the liver, which may interfere with each other’s effects.

Antibiotics should not be overused

Remember that antibiotics are not administered to the virus. Prophylactic prescription of an antibiotic in the event of a viral disease is not a good solution. Not every disease qualifies for antibiotic treatment.

Since viruses are not treated with antibiotics, they will not do any good, but will do harm.

They can sterilize the gut flora and destroy the ” good bacteria “, which could result in an actual bacterial infection in the future.

Antibiotics should not be taken with milk, yogurt or kefir

The calcium contained in dairy products may inhibit the action of some antibiotics (e.g. tetracyclines).

In turn, drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) have a negative effect on the absorption of drugs.

The best solution for taking them orally is to drink them only with water.

We take antibiotics at the same or similar times

The effectiveness of an antibiotic depends on the appropriate concentration in the tissues, which must be maintained for a certain period of time, therefore it is very important to take antibiotics at regular, well-defined intervals.

If the antibiotic is to be administered three or four times a day (i.e. every 8 or six hours, respectively), the day should be divided accordingly, including day and night.

Stopping the drug prematurely, when we are feeling well, is also not good. This may encourage the bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotic and will not kill the bacteria that caused the infection. As a result, a repeated illness may occur.

We do not drink alcohol while taking antibiotics

You should not drink alcohol while taking any medications, let alone antibiotics.

The combination of an antibiotic and alcohol can cause severe side effects:





Alcohol weakens the action of most antibiotics and weakens the entire body, and therefore we recover more slowly.


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