Your risk of breast cancer could go up to 20% if you consume these foods.

 If you are a woman who has passed menopause and your diet consists of unhealthy, highly processed foods, potatoes, sweet drinks, and refined grains devoid of fiber and essential nutrients, you may develop breast cancer.  

unhealthy, highly processed foods, potatoes, sweet drinks
Photo by Robin Stickel:

French researchers claim that certain lifestyle factors can raise your risk of breast cancer even if you do not genetically carry the disease's associated mutations.

The majority of people underestimate the impact of their lifestyle and diet on their health. New evidence suggests that our daily diet is a major determinant of whether we contract serious diseases such as breast cancer.

The team led by Sanama Shah, a doctoral student at Paris-Saclay University, analyzed the data of over 65,000 individuals. women aged 40 to 65 who have participated in the Etude Epidémiologique aux femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale study for more than 20 years . Nearly 4,000 individuals were registered at that time. occurrences of breast cancer. The focus of research has been on determining how plant-based diets affect this disease risk in postmenopausal women.

Researchers discovered that those with the healthiest diets were less likely to develop breast cancer. What was thought to be the optimal diet for reducing the risk of this cancer? At the most recent meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, the researchers' conclusions were presented in detail.

Researchers discovered that plant-based diets can vary substantially in terms of the nutritional value of the foods consumed, so they classified them as either healthier or less healthy.

Even if they occasionally consumed animal-based foods, women who regularly consumed a healthy, predominantly plant-based diet were 14 percent less likely to develop breast cancer. 

Women who regularly ate less healthy foods, such as desserts, fruit juices, and potatoes, on the other hand, had a 20% higher risk of developing breast cancer.

In both instances, such a diet may contain animal products, according to the author of a recent study. According to her, eating a healthy plant-based diet without giving up meat or animal products entirely and avoiding unhealthy, highly processed foods is beneficial to the body and can prevent the development of all types of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.


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