Francesco: “War is the failure of politics, it is never right and it is an ineffective response. In the name of God stop it "

In the Pontiff's book I ask you in the name of God. Ten prayers for a future of hope, to be released on October 18 for Piemme, an invective against the armed conflict: "To the local, national and world authorities on which appropriate initiatives depend to stop the war, making this request of mine in the name of God, I also ask that we say enough to the production and international trade of arms "

“I ask in the name of God that an end to the cruel madness of war ”. Thus Pope Francis in his book Of him I ask you in the name of God. Ten prayers for a future of hope , out on 18 October for Piemme , of which La Stampa on newsstands on Sunday 16 October has anticipated a passage. "His persistence among us", writes the Pontiff, is "the real failure of politics ".

And he addresses the “local, national and world authorities” on whom “the appropriate initiatives to curb the war depend. And to them, making this request of mine in the name of God, I also ask that they say enough to the production and international trade of arms "and that the atomic weapon be eradicated from the planet:" The existence of nuclear and atomic weapons I risk the survival of human life on earth ”.

The Pope starts from the conflict in Ukraine , which has put the West in front of the evidence and "showed us the wickedness of the horror of war". Then he extends his invocation to all the wars in progress, asking "the political authorities to put a stop", " not to manipulate information and not to deceive their peoples to achieve war objectives".

“There is no occasion - the Pontiff invites to reflect - in which a war can be considered just. There is never room for war barbarism ”. Not only. “War is also an ineffective response : it never solves the problems it intends to overcome - the Pope remarks -. Perhaps Yemen , Libya or Syria , to cite a few contemporary examples, are doing better than before the conflicts? ”. Francis

indicates the way of the solution: "We need dialogue, negotiations , listening, diplomatic skills and creativity, and a far- sighted policy capable of building a system of coexistence that is not based on the power of arms or on deterrence".


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