Navel - how it is formed, shape, pregnant navel, navel diseases

 The area of the body that has always captivated people is the navel. Why? Everybody sees it slightly differently. It could be big, small, slender, rounded, concave, or convex. What does it actually mean and what does it depend on?

 The umbilical cord scar is all that can be seen in the navel. During the initial weeks of pregnancy, it is formed. The transport of oxygen from the mother's bloodstream and the removal of waste products are both carried out by the umbilical cord.

 Soon after birth, the umbilical cord is severed, and the cut end is tied together to create an umbilical cord stump. About two weeks later, it disappears. This procedure can be either sped up or slowed down. It all depends on the length of the umbilical cord, how quickly the navel heals, how quickly it dries out, and how well it is taken care of.

 The majority of people believe that their navel shape was determined by the doctor who delivered their child. It is a myth that the shape of our navel is determined by the manner in which the umbilical cord is cut, contrary to popular belief.

 The navel is a reminder of the spot on our bodies where the umbilical cord once connected to us. The doctor or midwife squeezes it after delivery, leaving a small piece of it. The remnants of the umbilical cord wither and fall off during the first few weeks of life, and a navel develops in their place.

 The shape of the navel is beyond the control of doctors, and everything depends largely on the case, but it is influenced by the way the umbilical cord connects with our body. If you think that a convex navel is common, then you are wrong.

 They are quite rare and one in ten has it. This is a sign of an umbilical hernia or mild infections as it heals. What is an umbilical hernia? It is a soft tumor that mainly occurs in premature babies or babies who are born low weight.

 Concave navel - this is the shape most people have and is evidence of the proper condition of the inguinal ligaments, which are left over from the umbilical cord. This means that the umbilical ring (the part that was connected to the umbilical cord) has grown properly.

 No navel - some people do not have a navel. These are generally people who are born with an umbilical hernia or a cleft abdominal wall. The most famous person without a navel is Karolina Kurkova, whose graphic designers add it when editing photos.

Navel during pregnancy

For some pregnant women, the shape of the navel keeps them awake at night. It is true that pregnancy may change its shape , but some time after giving birth it returns to its original form.

There are several changes to the navel area during pregnancy as the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the center of the body. Most often, the navel is flattened - the skin stretches and thus makes the navel less visible.

The umbilical cord is flexed between the first and second trimester of pregnancy . This painless process can make your navel convex and look like a button.

“Pępek - Jak Powstaje, Kształt, Pępek W Ciąży, Choroby Pępka | WP abcZdrowie.” WP abcZdrowie, 6 Sept. 2019,





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