Experts FOUND the best method for preventing malaria.

 Experts from Africa and the United States assert to have found the newest and most potent anti-malaria medication available today, which can offer up to 6 months of malaria protection.

A new method for preventing malaria


Despite the fact that there are currently other medications and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of malaria, more than 600,000 people worldwide still die from the disease each year, and another two to two and a half million contract it. Malaria affects people all over the world, but it is more common in Africa than Asia. Following the bite of a specific mosquito, malaria develops and infects the patient for two to three weeks.


According to the 'Associated Press' (AP), African and American specialists treated malaria-infected patients using antibodies created in the laboratory by the US National Institute of Health (NIH). The most innovative and effective method ever discovered.


Experts from the United States have created new antibodies in the laboratory using antibodies extracted from individuals who have recovered from malaria drugs and administered them to malaria patients via intravenous injection. For the experiment, 330 volunteers were recruited in the African nation of Mali and divided into three distinct groups.


The experts gave one of the three groups a high dose of laboratory-made antibodies, another group a low dose, and the third group a placebo. All of the volunteers were treated by specialists for twenty-four weeks and underwent blood tests and other tests.


The study found that the drug worked 86 percent of the time when lab-made antibodies were given in a high dose, but only 75 percent of the time when lab-made antibodies were given in a low dose. The study also found that people who got the antibodies were protected from malaria for at least 6 months. This means that even though mosquitoes bit them in the same season, they did not get malaria again.


According to experts, more research is needed on the above-mentioned method of treatment and if its further results are encouraging, it may be the most effective and inexpensive treatment for malaria prevention and treatment..


Experts hope that if the same treatment is developed further, it will cost 5 to 8 dollars per person. Experts say that at present antibodies are being used to treat infectious diseases including cancer and this method of treating malaria is not unique.


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