Learning to speak: 5 tips on how you can support your baby

 When your baby first begins to speak, the first "Ma-ma" or "Da-da" is still a random sound, but it still serves as the signal to begin speaking properly. We'll go over how you can use this to support your child.


Babies try to talk for the first time at a very young age. At three to six months, they are already babbling and giggling to themselves, sometimes loudly and sometimes very quietly. All of these noises and sounds are already getting them ready to talk.


You can even hear correct syllables like "da," "ma," and "na" at some point. The moment that mom and dad have been waiting for so long comes all at once. The baby makes noises that sound like "Mama" or "Mamamamamamama."


It works a little earlier with one baby and a little later with the other. Even if your baby says "mommy" or "dad" for the first time by accident and doesn't know what the word means, it's a magical moment.


And the right place to start learning how to talk, which is a very exciting time for everyone. So, it's not surprising that mom and dad want to help their kids. Also, a baby trying to tell us something is the cutest thing ever. And that brings us right to the first tip.


Talk to your baby

At first glance, it may not seem very sensible to have extended dialogues with a newborn. But babies' brains are constantly developing due to new stimuli. This also includes the sense of hearing. Even in the womb, babies can hear certain melodies and even the voices of their parents.


Several studies have also shown that talking to your baby is one of the best and easiest ways to help them learn to talk. At age 3, children who live in families that talk a lot have a higher IQ than children who hear fewer words per day.


So you're not only helping your little darling learn to speak when you talk to him, you're also helping your child to develop his intelligence.


Read a book together

Babies learn to speak by hearing and recognizing different words and sounds. Of course, the best way to do this is to read together. However, reading with babies is less about the actual story and more about the shared experience.


A book is a nice support so that mom doesn't have to think the whole story up. So you have a basic structure made up of lots of new words and can think of additional extras if you want.


Start a conversation

Babies start babbling around the age of 6 months. You can ask your baby to show you different characters in books or to answer open-ended questions. Even if they answer with nonsense, act like they did and say something like "Yeah, that puppy has really blue ears".


Babies learn that they themselves can trigger a reaction in their mother, just by looking at their mum and responding to what she says or does. The social interaction confirms that they did something right and encourages them to continue to participate.


Use music

Music can be a valuable tool to give your baby a little boost in their language skills. Babies love rhythms and rhymes. They're guaranteed to have loads of fun singing and dancing together.


By using different senses while dancing to music, a baby also makes new brain connections that can help him or her learn and remember things faster. Songs and music are wonderful ways to help your baby learn more words.


Use baby talk purposefully.

Baby talk can be a really good tool to help babies learn to speak. Small babies in particular have difficulty distinguishing between individual words.


They can also hear higher pitches better, and simple words and repetitions help them. In the first few months, baby talk is the best way to help them because it helps them bridge the gap between real language and what the baby already knows.


As a child ages, it understands and produces more words. Challenge your baby. Bit by bit, corrects baby talk. Babies need to learn sentence structure, hear words in context, and hear new words. So, they can increase their vocabulary until the kids can speak in complete sentences.

 “Sprechen Lernen: 5 Tipps, Wie Du Dein Baby Unterstützen Kannst.” Gofeminin, 11 Nov. 2022, www.gofeminin.de/baby/baby-sprechen-lernen-s3021643.html.


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