
Showing posts from May, 2022

Artificial sweeteners make you crave more sugar.

Attempting to substitute sugar with artificial sweeteners has been shown in studies to boost consumption of sweet and calorie-dense foods. This is due to the fact that aspartame and other sugar substitutes do not provide the body with the same amount of energy as sugar. The proper number of calories aren't being consumed, yet the temptation to eat something sweet persists. If you want to give up sugar, don't switch to sugar alternatives; instead, strive to minimize the amount of sugar in your diet. It turns out that it isn't all that difficult.

Cancer prevention is important.

Photo by Anna Shvets A change in diet is always one of the points of preventive for any disease. And cancer is no exception, since specific diets have been shown to lower cancer risk. Garlic contains anti-tumor compounds, broccoli contains isothiocyanate, which can destroy cancer cells, and greens remove cancer cells from the body. Citrus fruits, grapes, red wine, blueberries, tomatoes, and green tea have anti-carcinogenic qualities, according to studies. So include these items in your diet, but don't overdo it because you need to be correct in all you do.

How dangerous is salt?

Photo by cottonbro: Sodium chloride is an inorganic chemical that is used to make salt. Both sodium and chlorine are required for the nervous system to conduct impulses; without them, like potassium and calcium, the nervous system will not function. Salt is required to create a bodily environment in which cells remain alive, do not lose water, and do not accumulate too much of it. We lose salt through sweat and urine, thus it must be ingested on a daily basis. Its lack causes severe nervous system diseases, low blood pressure, muscle spasms, mineral leaching from bones, and muscle degeneration. Excess salt raises blood pressure and promotes edoema, or water retention in the body. Hypertensives and those with renal problems are particularly vulnerable. As you can see, salt is vital for our bodies; the key is to know how much to take...

What is the impact of smoking on the environment?

Photo by Pixabay : According to the WHO, cigarette products include 7000 hazardous compounds that wind up in nature after being discarded. At a cost to taxpayers of millions of dollars.  Smoking is not only harmful for your health, but also for the environment, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In a recent research titled "Tobacco: Poisoning Our Planet," the WHO estimates that tobacco production and consumption costs more than eight million lives, 600 million trees, 200,000 hectares of land, 22 billion tonnes of water, and releases roughly 84 million tonnes of climate-damaging carbon dioxide (CO2). The amount of CO2 emitted equal to the annual emissions of around 17 million gasoline-powered cars. On World No Tobacco Day today, WHO head for health promotion Rüdiger Krech claimed that tobacco products included more than 7,000 harmful substances that were discharged into the environment when discarded.  Every year, around 4.5 trillion cigarette filters end up in

European leaders agree to ban Russian oil: Will they be able to hurt the Russian war machine this way?

European leaders reached an agreement late last night to ban Russian oil imports. That would come into effect by the end of this year. Initially, it concerns an embargo on oil imported by sea, which will ban two-thirds of all Russian oil. Including a Polish-German import ban, a total of more than 90 percent of Russian oil is withdrawn from the market.  Oil supplied via the Druzhba pipeline (the longest oil pipeline in the world) will remain outside the boycott for the time being. On Wednesday, the ambassadors of the member states will discuss the details. It was European Council President Charles Michel who confirmed the agreement around 11.45 pm. According to him, the embargo "cuts off a major source of funding from the Russian war machine". In this way, Europe is putting maximum pressure on Russia to end the war in Ukraine, Michel said. The European Union plan indicated that still think that this war will end by the end of Year.  A common man like me thinks replacing energy

New accessibility features for smartphones for blinds and disabled people

 For many blind or deaf people, mobile phones are a lifeline. Using toasters, kettles, and other similar appliances, on the other hand, has become more difficult.. Photo by cottonbro : Apple and Google are releasing new software features for smartphones, tablets, and computers to make devices and operating systems more accessible to people with disabilities. For example, on World Accessibility Day, Apple announced that it will bring live subtitles to the screens of its devices for the deaf and hard of hearing community. It would make it easier for users to follow audio content while on the phone, in a video conference or social media app, streaming media content, or chatting with someone nearby. Live subtitles will initially only be offered in English. Last fall, Google introduced a similar feature for its Pixel smartphones. Improvements are planned for Android. More improvements to the Android mobile system were announced last week at the Google I/O developer conference, lowering barr

Is Putin's health in decline? Or it just a propaganda.

 Russian President Vladimir Putin's health has long been a source of speculation in the media. Much is said about the fact that he is seriously ill.  According to a Daily Mirror source, a Russian FSB officer, the dictator suffers from a serious form of cancer and was about to learn from doctors how much time he had left. After the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, public opinion and the media began to frequently discuss Vladimir Putin's health, which had been the subject of occasional speculation in previous years. Putin's health has deteriorated significantly, according to the majority of reports and alleged Kremlin leaks. It was reported that he had Parkinson's disease, mental disorders, bad legs, and was battling multiple types of cancer. Now, the British newspaper "The Daily Mirror" reports, citing a Russian officer of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FBS), that "Putin suffers from a severe form of cancer and has se

The Kremlin is dealing with military shortages. According to a Polish news website.

This report is very difficult to verify. According to news reports, Russia is moving forward at full speed. In March, Carole Landry wrote an article titled "Russia Captures Its First City."  How can British Intelligence report such catastrophic losses?  Reports say they require more experienced officers at the front. New cities have been captured after Kerson. Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Mariupol have been taken. The capture of these cities indicates that Russia requires additional men to keep control of the cities.  That is why Vladimir Putin passed legislation allowing those over the age of 40 to join the military. I think. Specialists are required to handle high-precision weaponry, according to the new law. According to the BBC, the new law will allow for the hiring of a bigger number of medics and engineers. According to the BBC story, they are looking for experts to handle high-precision weapons. Anyone who has served in the army understands that there is a distinct di

How Nawaz saved Pakistan and Silenced BJP war mongers in India in 1998

(Copied and translated from the Facebook Post of Saulat Bhai) I was among those who believed that Pakistan should not retaliate carrying our nuclear explosions.   The US President Clinton had called Prime Minister Nawaz several times and offered him five billion dollars officially  I thought that this offer should be accepted by the government to improve the economy.  The world knows that we have atomic bomb. What would we get carrying out the atomic explosion?  I was watching an Indian channel on a dish at home on May 5, 1998.  It was showing live telecast of Lok Sabha. L K Advani and Vajpayee were making speeches. They were in the government.  They were making claims that they would wipe out Pakistan with their atomic bombs.  I thought why they were fiery speeches when they had carried out the nuclear explosion. It  will only increase tension between the two countries. Why were they trying to make Pakistan angry? Pranab Mukherjee was in opposition at the time and he was on crutches

The Life and Times of Angie Bardot: A non-alcoholic cure for a divorce hangover

  IS THERE AN AFTERLIFE? Angie is endearingly tragic as she embarks on her adventures, providing a truly hilarious account of what could possibly go wrong when her long-term marriage comes to an end. It's no laughing matter to extol the numerous pitfalls of being single, and it's even worse to be thrust into the dating world. Chaos ensues when the desire to see a particular part of the male anatomy takes precedence. Angie's journey will make you laugh out loud while also making you raise your eyebrows in disgust. This two-part true story takes you from "Hell No" to "Hell Yes," evoking a wide range of emotions as you follow Angie on her journey of self-discovery. This compelling portrayal of compassion gives insight into the weakest and strongest moments of what it means to be human. This compelling depiction of compassion provides insight into the weakest and strongest moments of what it means to be human through a captivating exposé of the courage and

Police response to a school shooting in Texas has been questioned by investigators.

 On Saturday, Texas investigators were attempting to determine how critical errors occurred in the aftermath of the Uvalde massacre, including why nearly 20 police officers remained outside a primary school classroom while panicked children dialed 911 for assistance. The ongoing investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety into the massacre of 19 children and two teachers in the deadliest school shooting in the United States in nearly a decade is focused on why officers waited nearly an hour in the hallway before entering and killing the gunman. Investigators are also trying to figure out why the attack happened. Salvador Ramos had no criminal record and no history of mental illness when he dropped out of high school. According to Colonel Steven McCraw, director of the Department of Public Safety in Texas, at least two children in two adjacent fourth-grade rooms called 911 after Ramos, 18, entered the building on Tuesday with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. The commander on th

8 ways to help your child crawl

 This training is crucial for the baby's development, according to a pediatric orthopedist. The first year of life is full of intense and fascinating motor and cognitive development. That newcomer to the world is able to roll over, sit up, support its own head, and explore the world around it in a short period of time. Each child has his or her own rhythm, and each stage has its own need for attention, as new dangers may present themselves in the way of the little one. Photo by Pixabay : A baby can start crawling between the ages of 7 and 10 months, according to a pediatric orthopedist. To support the trunk and lift it off the ground, the arms and legs must be strong. Crawling can be done in a variety of ways, including with four supports (hands and knees on the floor), buttocks with the help of hands, and sliding belly down. The most important thing is for the baby to be able to explore its surroundings and strengthen its muscles before learning to walk. Parents and caregivers mus

Seen :Falling Inn Love; on Netflix yet?

Seen " Falling Inn Love " on Netflix yet?  Enjoy New Zealand's beautiful scenery and sweet love story. The village and the people who lived there were delightful. It makes you want to live there. So what if it was somewhat predictable. The main characters were attractive and made you want to root for them. With a happy ending, the story was simple, entertaining, and satisfying. Overall, I enjoyed the film because it was devoid of profanity and swearing. Gabriela Diaz's (Christina Milian) design firm in San Francisco closes the week after she and her boyfriend break up. She enters a contest to "Win an Inn" overlooking New Zealand's countryside after being inspired by a potent concoction of wine and Wi-Fi. She discovers The Bellbird Valley Farm, which has a crumbling facade, a floorboard-treading goat, and a meddling neighbor who covets the space, thousands of airline miles later. She teams up with Jake Taylor (Adam Demos), a Kiwi contractor and volunteer

The Other Queen : A review by Nazeha Maryam Jamal

By Nazeha Maryam Jamal  “And I? I am two things at once: the second highest being in the world, a queen; and the very lowest: a woman without home, husband, or fortune. I am a queen three times over because I was born Queen of Scotland, daughter to King James V of Scotland, I was married to the Dauphin of France and inherited the French crown with him, and I am, in my own right, the only true and legitimate heir to the throne of England, being the great-grand niece to King Henry VII of England, though his bastard daughter, Elizebeth has usurped my throne.”  In 1567, Mary was forced to abdicate in favor of her son James who was just one year old at the time. After failing to recover her throne she flees to England hoping that Elizebeth would help her in regaining her crown.  But Elizebeth fearing that she will overthrow her as she had a more legitimate claim to the English throne imprisons her. The story is narrated by three people: Mary, George Talbot and his wife Bess who were Mary’s

Asrar Ahmed, a prolific fiction novelist wrote under the name Ibn-e-Safi.

by Nazeha Maryam Jamal  Today, I want to introduce you all to one of my favorite authors of all time. He is the person other than J.K Rowling that made me fall in love with reading. I would read his books non-stop through the night, never realizing when the sun came up. My sister and I used to read it under the covers and then get scolded by Amma, ‘Beta ankhain kharab hojaien gi.’   Asrar Ahmed, a prolific fiction novelist wrote under the name Ibn-e-Safi. His most famous works which are shown in the picture are Jasoosi Dunya and Imran Series. According to Wikipedia, he started writing detective stories in response to someone claiming in a literary meeting that Urdu literature had little scope for anything except sexual themes (Standing ovation for this Gen Z energy).  Jasoosi Dunya and Imran Series 125 and 120 parts each. These novels are laced with action, mystery, and adventure and a whole lot crime-solving. Humor is also one of the most key aspects and Ibn-e-Safi used it as a tool t

In "Stranger Things 4," there was a cautionary note. This is how Netflix responds to the Texas shootings.

 The long-awaited fourth season of "Stranger Things" premiered on Netflix on Friday.  In response to the recent shooting at a Texas elementary school, the Duffer brothers and service decided to make changes to the show. Before the first episode, there was a disclaimer. "Stranger Things 4" - a warning about the Uvalde shooting "Stranger Things 4" has already aired seven episodes on Netflix (the final two episodes will air in July). The premiere of the cult series about kids from Hawkins happened to fall on the same day as a massacre in Uvalde, Texas, just a few days ago. On the grounds of Robb Elementary School, an assailant aged 18 fired at 19 students and three teachers. The tragedy is regarded as the third deadliest shooting in the United States since the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre. Netflix The Duffer brothers, the creators of "Stranger Things," were not indifferent to the tragedy that befell the families and friends of those murdered in U

Shootout in Texas. They were able to escape the massacre by hiding or smearing their friends with blood. Survivor children's stories

 She is unable to sleep alone. She is afraid to take a shower herself. She's even afraid to watch a movie in the living room by herself.  Credit : (Pete Luna / Ulvade Leader-News) Amber Gonzales, mother of an 8-year-old girl who survived the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, told the Los Angeles Times, "I put her to bed and she told me she felt like someone was looking at her."  Members of their families recounted the traumatic experiences of children who survived the attack in the pages of an American newspaper. A fourth-grade student shared his memories on KENS TV in San Antonio during one of their programs. According to the boy, the attacker stormed into the classroom and yelled, "Time to die!" "I told my friend to hide under something when I heard a shot through the door so he wouldn't find us," the boy said. Under the tablecloth, the fourth grader and four other students hid. This is how they managed to escape the shooting. Many of his colleagues, as

Parents say that the police did not intervene in time. TEXAS KILLER WAS IN SCHOOL FOR AN HOUR

 The anger comes after the tears! Following the bloodbath at a Texas elementary school, police are under fire for their actions. Parents accuse the emergency services of having been inactive for too long and not intervening in time. Authorities confirmed the shooter spent approximately one hour in the classroom firing at students and teachers. The police entered the room and shot the 18-year-old only after that point. Parents accuse the police of a lack of decisiveness. CNN quoted Victor Luna as saying, "I told one of the officers that if they don't want to go in, lend me a gun and a vest and I'll go in and handle it myself." Jayden, his son, survived the massacre. The police did their job, Luna said. But they could have done it faster. Mike Sington, a citizen of the United States, uploaded a video to Twitter depicting distressed parents and family members. "Get in there!" they beg the military in the video. Instead, the officers are attempting to secure the

Medical professionals believe that folic acid pills should be made mandatory worldwide.

The Emory Institute, the G4 Alliance, and the global disease prevention group Spina Bifida collaborated on a study paper that was published in the international journal Lancet. Both the mother and the baby benefit from folic acid consumption throughout pregnancy. On the one hand, in youngsters, the process of head shortening is slowed, and spinal cord abnormalities are eliminated. Only 60 countries have added folic acid tablets in flour, corn, and rice after 30 years of research shown that they are safe in every way. Many organisations have urged the World Health Assembly, which is meeting on the sidelines of the World Economic Conference, to move quickly and pass a global resolution regulating a wide range of folic acid-containing foods. According to Dr. Vijay Conchrela of the Emory Institute, just 25% of the world's population has access to folic acid. Folic acid prevents against the dreadful disease spina bifida and can help youngsters all around the world with scalp problems. H

If Imran Khan come back, he will destroy Pakistan : Javed Chaudhry writes in his column

 Imran Khan and his Tigers are also seeking a return to power. They believe that power is their birthright and that the state should return it to them in a tray. In addition, they receive the Election Commissioner of their choosing, the Election Dates of their choosing, the Electronic voting machines of their choosing, the Constituencies of their choosing, the Electorals of their choosing, the Polling Time of their choosing, and the votes of the immigrants of their choosing. What will Imran Khan do if he regains the office of prime minister with a two-thirds majority after all of his opponents have been jailed and imprisoned? I believe he will become of Bashar al-Assad.  Imran Khan I know and the pattern of administration I have observed over the past three and a half years leads me to believe that Imran Khan is unhappy with parliamentary democracy. The NGOs view senators and representatives as blackmailers. They believe that these individuals create organizations and exert pressure on

India has been invited by the Taliban leadership to reopen its embassy in Kabul.

Sohail Shaheen, a spokesman for the Taliban's political office in Qatar, said in an interview with Afghan media that if India reopened its embassy in Kabul, its diplomats would be given full security. India should build relations with the Taliban government based on national and mutual interests, rather than with previous Afghan leaders. According to Sohail Shaheen, the government is responsible for providing full protection to all foreign diplomats serving in Afghanistan. In Kabul, many embassies are operating, and they have been granted complete security. Indian embassies and diplomats will be protected as well. ۔ Sohail Shaheen stated that India would be welcome to finish or start new projects in Afghanistan. Suhail Shaheen, the Taliban's UN envoy-designate, told The Times of India that the Afghan government was prepared to create a "safe environment" for the Indian embassy in Kabul, and that diplomatic presence was necessary for improving bilateral relations. The

Oppo Reno8 is official

 The smartphones that make up Oppo's Reno8 series, or the base model, the 8 Pro, and the 8 Pro Plus, have been seen in renderings and videos, and now they are official: we're talking about the phones that make up the Reno8 series, or the base model, the 8 Pro, and the 8 Pro Plus. For the time being, the Chinese market is the reference market; we'll see what the timing is for a possible market in our latitudes later. The Oppo Reno8 features a 6.43-inch AMOLED display with a refresh rate of up to 90Hz, FHD + resolution, and a screen-to-body ratio of 90.8%. The Dimensity 1300 is the processor under the hood, with 8/12GB of LPDDR4x RAM and 128/256GB of UFS 3.1 internal memory (non-expandable). There's 5G support, as well as WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3 LE. A 32MP front camera with a Sony IMX709 sensor and three 50MP + 2MP + 2MP rear cameras, respectively, for main, black and white, and macro, make up the photographic sector. The double 4,500mAh (2x2,250mAh) battery, which can b

Realme GT Neo 3 in China in Naruto Edition

The Realme GT Neo 3 Naruto edition has just been released in China, and it appears to be quite impressive. The smartphone's specifications are identical to those of the Vanilla Realme GT Neo 3 that was released a month ago, but its design is novel and intriguing. The phone was created in collaboration with Naruto, a popular anime and manga series. In short, it is aimed at Naruto fans. Masashi Kishimoto is the author and illustrator of the Naruto manga series in Japan. It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who wants to be respected by his peers and become the Hokage, the leader of his village.  The smartphone's metal back is adorned with a "micro 3D" texture that provides a 3D effect to the naked eye, evoking Naruto's traditional headband. The back of the limited edition is made to look like the main character's outfit in the Naruto Shippuden anime series. Orange is the primary color, which is combined with matte black and metallic gray.  For its

Learn about the advantages of eating green chilies

Green chiles are a staple in many households. Shutterstock Green chilies are often avoided by people, yet various research have proven that they have several health benefits. While green chilies can help you avoid numerous pests, they can also help you lose weight. Green chilies, which are always present in every home, are used in practically all home-cooked dishes, but some people also use them in salads since they know how beneficial they are. Green peppers are not only good for weight reduction, but they are also good for the skin and digestive system, and the vitamins in them defend against a variety of diseases and issues. A large green chilli has 11 percent vitamin A, 182 percent vitamin C, and 3 percent iron, which is enough to boost your health. All three vitamins aid in the control of the eyes, skin, digestive system, and cholesterol, as well as the elimination of the brown tissues that create fat in the body, as well as providing energy. Green chilies have also been linked to

Brutality shown by Punjab and Sindh Police has shocked Pakistan

Peaceful protest is the right of every Pakistani citizen.  However, this right has been taken away the current government. People called them dictators on the social media. Brutality shown by Punjab and Sindh Police has shocked Pakistan. We all saw how they sprung upon peaceful protestors in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.  Pakistan, an Islamic state, has a long history of torture and police brutality.  Pakistanis showed their anger on the social media and demanded that policemen an officers should be suspended and prosecuted for their brutal action.  We all saw how police forcibility entered PTI members’ houses and tortured family members including women and girls.   People are also shocked at the human rights organizations in Pakistan. They complained they have not uttered a word on the brutality of Punjab Police. People wrote on social media that the brutal police action is unacceptable and called the current a fascist government and wanted it go.  A twitter user commented that Pun

Neutrals mediate in government and PTI talks for economic stability: Asks PTI to return to assemblies for discussing electoral reforms and care taker administration

Neutrals (Army) had vowed to maintain their impartiality on political concerns.  There are reports that Imran Khan has been advised by neutrals (army) that If they want elections, they should approach parliament and negotiate with the government. The army is concerned about the economic crisis faced by the country and wants to save the country from economic crisis. These reports clearly indicated that political crisis created by our civilians leaders forced the army to step in.  Imran Khan has been urging neutrals to back him. According to credible sources, independent groups have been in contact with government and opposition members in recent weeks to ensure the success of IMF negotiations. It was reported by the Daily  Who are these independent groups?  In my opinion they might be members of the business community are concerned about the political crisis in the country and they feel that confrontation between the PTI and the government will only aggravate Pakistan’s eco

Book Review: The Love Hypothesis

Reviewed by Nazeha Maryam Jamal  Olive Smith, a third year Ph.D. candidate finds herself in a ridiculous fake dating arrangement with Dr Adam Carlsen, a young, accomplished and handsome professor at her university. Initially she believes what everyone else at the campus does: that he is “unapproachable and antagonistic”. But gradually she begins to find that there is more to him than his broody, tall self.  The Love hypothesis is such a feel good, witty and adorable rom com. It's obviously cliched and cheesy but those exact elements made me go gaga over the whole book. I found myself giggling like a little girl at all the “pumpkin spice” and “smart-ass” moments. Judge me if you will but I am a sucker for rom-coms and this just checked all the boxes for me especially because of all the early 2000s vibes.  The characters and relationships in the book are extremely wholesome.  The friendship between Anh, Olive and Malcom is exactly the kind you need to survive your university life.  H


 WAR IS PEACE    FREEDOM IS SLAVERY   IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH   1984 by George Orwell is set in a dystopian future which is not so far from our present. In both Animal Farm and 1984 Orwell has criticized the totalitarian and tyrannical forms of governance which tries to take away the power of reasoning from its subjects. Its was chilling to read each and every page because how can one even begin to imagine living in a world where thought itself is a crime.  I am not going to spoil much but as I said its not that far from our present. We believe we have the freedom to say and do what we want but in reality, we are trapped. We are constantly under surveillance and the fact is that we choose to be (remember clicking on agree without reading the terms and conditions). We instantly believe everything that we see on the news and social media. There is a buttload of propaganda and information we are fed through these channels. You have got to read this as it will surely change the way you see t

Review : Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

  by Nazeha Maryam Jamal “Sunsets are in disguise. Covering truths, covering lies. Where the Crawdads Sing is the story of the challenges faced by Kya in her life after she is abandoned by her entire family. Despite being rejected and shunned by most people she manages to survive alone in the marsh by learning all the secrets of the wilderness. Kya is the heart and soul of this book. I was baffled at the calmness of the little girl even when she had no one at her side. It's been a while since I read a romance novel so the naive young love between her and Tate made me smile often. The storytelling is warm and sweet with wonderful nature descriptions. Combining romance with murder gave me something to look forward to throughout. My favorite scene for some reason is the one where she compares the people in the courtroom to different birds. The way it ended is the best part of it. The poem at the end gave me literal goosebumps. It easily became one of my favorites reads this year.

Review : Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

 By Nazeha Maryam Jamal “A bank robber. A hostage drama. A stairwell full of police officers on their way to storm an apartment. It was easy to get to this point, much easier than you might think. All it took was one single really bad idea.”  That pretty much sums up synopsis of the story. Chaos ensues when eight anxious strangers at an apartment viewing are held hostage by an equally anxious bank robber. Two policemen trying to defuse the situation. One anxious to catch the culprit and the second concerned for the other’s wellbeing. They have no idea how their lives are going to get entangled in the next few hours.  ‘Anxious people’ is a restoring-your-faith-in-humanity-kinda book. Fredrick Backman takes you through the fears, traumas and anxiety of each character and creates and empathetic and relatable bond with the readers. You cannot help but feel compassionate for these people. Their quirkiness and sometimes downright stupidity make you smile.   It’s an unlikely story and as the

PTI and Imran Khan never made an effort to reform Punjab Police. Now we witnessing Punjab Police's brutality

 We are witnessing police brutality again because #PTI and Imran Khan never made an effort to reform Punjab Police. Like the PMLN government, they also used the police force for their personal things.  PTI leaders, workers, and activists are lamenting the police brutality in Punjab. Punjab was under the control of the PTI for three years. They did not attempt to reform the Punjab Police; instead, they exploited them by transferring and posting officers. According to Rauf Klasra's video, 3000 transfers were made for 450 positions in Punjab.  Imagine how much money the PTI leaders made through these transfers.  Pakistanis will be interesting to note PTI changed 6 inspector generals of Police and 7 chief secretaries during their rule.  Nasir Durrani, a well-known and respected figure, was appointed chairman of the Punjab Police Reforms Commission to improve the province's police force. He left the job, however, after realizing that the government was not as committed to reform as